Monday, September 7, 2009

The San Giovanni in Laterano square with the Palace and the Basilica. Source:

Prior to the XIII century, there was a lot of transfer of documents between different papal palaces as the official home of the Roman Catholic Church, The Vatican City, was not established until about 1377 by Pope Gregory XI (after Papacy returned from Avignon).

The Lateran Palace was the official residence of the Popes for more than one thousand years prior to the Papacy being moved to Avignon in 1309. Thus many private and important documents related to the Church were kept here. The original lateran palace was subsequently destroyed by fire during the time the Popes were at Avignon.

Castel S. Angelo

Image from:

From about the XV century, the most sensitive documents pertaining to the interests of the Holy See were housed at Castel S. Angelo. This archive was established by Pope Sixtus IV. These archives remained here until they were transferred to the Vatican Secret Library in 1798 for safety reasons.

An interesting site to visit which has lots of information about the history of the Catholic Church is The Catholic Encyclopaedia.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The label "Secret Archives"

A picture of Paul V (1605-1621), founder of the Vatican SecretArchives, kept in the rooms of the «piano nobile» of the Archives building. Image taken from

The title "Secret Archives" really means the "private" archives of the Pope. The term "secret" or "secreta" was used in everyday life to identify people or institutions close to the ruling body, in this case the ruling body being the Pope (from The title, "Vatican secret Archives",, viewed September 2009). Therefore the term "Secret" is not to refer to the archives being something that was kept hidden, rather they were the Pope's personal or private collection of documents related to the running of the church.

That said, the archives only became available for scholars and historians to study from the time of Pope Leo XIII's reign. They are still regarded as being "private" and permission is required to study the documents.